Photo/foto : Michel Binstok

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Stefano Boy - danseur 


After the parade I felt - like many of us - worried about what to do next, because for many of us the parade was really an incredibly touching experience. I cannot say that we made new friends, but the contact we had between us, was so strong that after the Zinneke we asked ourselves 'do we have to wait for the next Zinneke to do something together?'. So we are thinking about it, but of course we are aware that we built something between us, something that is not visible and will be concretized sometime in the future. Many of us are linked by an invisible link. We will see each other sometime.

De parade was een heel intense ervaring. Tussen de deelnemers is er een onzichtbare band ontstaan die zich ergens in de nabije toekomst zal concretiseren. Want één ding is duidelijk, we wachten niet tot de volgende Zinneke om weer iets samen te doen.

La parade a été une expérience très touchante. Il s'est construit un lien invisible entre les participants qui va être concrétisé dans le futur proche. Parce que une chose est claire, on n'a pas envie d'attendre la prochaine Zinneke pour faire quelque chose ensemble.